All parents dream of fulfilling all the requirements and desires of their kids. They want to give the best to their juniors. Best of education, best of toys, best of health, best of everything! The only problem with these best things is that these have the best price tags too!
But what can a father do, after all it is about the childs future. Or is this really the case? Maybe something could have been done. Think of a parent who started planning for their kid even before it was born and begun investing when the little one arrived. They had a pretty long time (about 18 years for higher studies and 25 years for marriage and house). It is no-brainer in investment world that the sooner we start, the better it is, and for a very basic reason - the magic of compounding.
For passive investors, those who find stock symbols like chemical formula, investing directly in equity mutual funds could be a preferred option.
Also to reap benefits of tax allowance on investments and their disposal, one can allocate some amount to products like Public Provident Fund.
Child Marriage Services
Child Education Calculator
With retirement not far around the corner, your needs will be rapidly changing. And you will be asking the big questions – what does retirement mean to me, and will I have enough? How can I be better off? As our lives change, our financial needs and priorities change too. Even if you are years away from retiring, you are wise to be thinking about retirement services. Years from now you will be a lot happier saying, “I'm glad I did” instead of “I wish I had”. A retirement service is an assurance that you will continue to earn a satisfying income and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, even when you are no longer working. Investment Locker will help you understand how much you need to grow your wealth before you retire and how to plan for it.
Concerns of Retirement
Most people are faced with three important questions when they start thinking of Retirement.
When can I retire?
How much money do I need to have to retire?
How do I create regular Retirement income?
Retirement services means saving sufficient funds to provide for a comfortable lifestyle after retirement.We can plan and advice you how to build up your Retirement savings over a period of time from now. We have proven asset allocation strategies that will help you get higher inflation-adjusted returns on your existing assets. We also track and re-balance their assets to protect it from the volatility of the markets.
The Optimistic Retirement approach can help you feel more confident about retirement and your financial future.
Theres a confidence that comes with knowing you and your advisor are following a time-tested approach to financial planning. Youll come away feeling more confident knowing you have the advice and guidance you need to help:
Cover your essentials now and in retirement Ensure your lifestyle. Your hobbies, travel and dining-out throughout your life Prepare yourself and the people you love against the unexpected things that come up every now and then Leave a legacy to the people and causes you care about.